HE is trying to piece together his broken life.
SHE is running away from her wedding day.
TOGETHER, their world is a beautiful lie.
APART, their world is a perfect mess.
He + She is a free-spirited romance about soul-awakening second chances, heartbreak, and hopeful beginnings.

“Not complicated. Only you make it complicated. Life is simple…”

So there is this book and it’s called He + She and there is just one thing you need to know about it…its a bump to the top of your “to be read” list good! I finished this book and wanted to shout from my corner of the world…READ THIS!

“I want the good minutes of the day to take over the bad in this fight, so who cares how it happens, or who I’m with as long as I cultivate smiles when urged in that direction.”

This book is different and in a world of cookie cutter literature He + She stands a head and shoulder about the rest. I went into this read blind. I didn’t even read the synopsis. The book was recommended by a trustworthy friend. That’s all I needed…let me be that trustworthy friend!!

“I want to hide it away from the world. God only knows how tired I am of people knowing everything about me and all the horrible details. I just want to be alone…”

Friend or foe, destiny will always ride shot gun on the road of life, helping to mold the moments that define our life. The painfully heartbreaking to the breathtakingly beautiful, every moment is our own. We make the choice to embrace the moments or to fight them.

“People aren’t just made of rainbows and sugary – sweet candy, though I wish that were the case. Half of who we are is written by our mistakes, mishaps, and imperfections.”

Breaking down this book in a few short paragraphs would ruin your personal reading experience. For fear of spoilers I will remain closed lip. These are the things I can tell you about this book; the storyline is well thought out and the character development exemplary. Michelle’s writing is unspoiled allowing the readers mind to wander along as if part of the story. So final thoughts…buy it! Read it! Love it!
Michelle Warren didn’t travel the road to writer immediately. First, she spent over a decade as professional illustrator and designer. Her artistic creativity combined with her love of science fiction, paranormal, and fantasy led her to write her first YA novel. Michelle loves reading and traveling to places that inspire her to create. She resides in Chicago, IL.